For memory’s sake

What is what?

Posted on: October 7, 2008

Sometimes the urge to write is calling but you have nothing to write so you end up writing “nothing” things like what I’m doing now, still have to fulfil my urge anyway.

Somebody asked what’re important things in a relationship (bgr). Although this can be a potential dissertation/thesis topic for love studies student, I don’t really know how to answer. Anyway, I told him spontaneously “love and trust”. The two are inter-related and must go hand-in-hand to build up a firm relationship. Unfortunately, not everyone can achieve this ideal condition.

Time spent together is also important, yet is it crucial? You never know until you have no time for each other.

Then again, there’s no prove that without love and trust, the relationship will die off, it might survive on compromises, obligations, ignorance, etc. Surprisingly, these things can also stuck people together at times. Such miracles.

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