For memory’s sake

Piggyback ride

Posted on: July 25, 2008

It’s always a sweet memory everytime I have a piggyback ride. The feeling of being carried and supported by your love one(s) is incomparable, regardless of how skillful the person is.

Still remember the days when I ride piggyback almost everyday. Back then my weight is much more managable and of course my teenage/young-adult uncles found no difficulties in lifting and carrying their lovely/cute/pretty 7-year-old niece. For years, I have experienced all kind of piggyback rides around my childhood village, being pampered with different kind of cheap candies/lollies/biscuits and wild fruits, playing with farm animals, showering with kinship love.

As I grow older, either people are too old or I’m too huge that those rides getting lesser and lesser until memory keeps them all without my awareness.

Years gone by, all of a sudden, and out of randomness, my piggyback ride comes back, bringing back nice feelings with some interesting bonus. Realised that piggyback ride between two same-size persons are much more tricky, yet more interesting. It requires proper cooperation, otherwise both will end up on the floor painfully. Being on the back, you must hold on to the person as firmly and closely as possible to maintain a balanced grativity; yes you should not loosen your arms no matter what, unless you want to end the ride… The wide and warm back, the broad shoulders and the sweaty head had kept me holding on disregarding some uncomfortabilities and pains.


Love the rides…

2 Responses to "Piggyback ride"

Our group is looking forward to a tour of your Gallery in Midway on Wednesday January 12th arranged by Sunny Reinhold (435) 671-6996 I am preparing a brochure on our wonderful activities. This will be a highlight no doubt.

How can I purchase a print of piggybackride?

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  • renee garrison: How can I purchase a print of piggybackride?
  • Sharrin Mass Miller: Our group is looking forward to a tour of your Gallery in Midway on Wednesday January 12th arranged by Sunny Reinhold (435) 671-6996 I am preparing a
  • passer-by: hi danthuy, i will be taking this module sf2950 in kth when i go for my exchange next the module v hard? from the course description, it sounds
